Thursday, August 18, 2011

Visit Ndere Center and Watch Ugandan Culture Come Alive

By Timothy Ijala

If you love Ugandan culture including its traditional music then you will want to visit Ndere Center and watch Ndere Troupe perform one of their famed traditional dances that has made them world famous. The history of Ndere Troupe is one of small beginnings and goes back to 1984 when Stephen Wanjozi then a music teacher at Lubiri Secondary School in Kampala and a few students formed Ndere Troupe. Stephen wanted to preserve the pride of the Ugandan culture seen in traditional music, dance and dress which people back then were ashamed to be identified with and so there was a danger of it disappearing. There was also a need to raise money to support children who were talented, wanted to take Ugandan culture to another level but could not afford tuition. Another reason was to educate people using drama. Ndere Troupe was born then and has gone from strength to strength.

When you visit Ndere Center to watch Ndere Troupe perform, you are thrilled by the sounds of drums, xylophones, dungu, panpipe, flute and other instruments that you see and hear. This Orchestra is so popular that it attracts visitors of all ages from within Kampala and from other countries outside East Africa. You are never disappointed as you watch the dancers in their colourful traditional costumes move to the sound of the throbbing drums and the other instruments used in the troupe’s performance. Those who are so moved by the sounds of the instruments that they cannot remain seated are usually welcome to join in some of the dances. And there is always a buffet of traditional Ugandan food available for those who would want to enjoy Ugandan culture not only in music and dance but also in the taste of food. You can also take a break from the entertainment and wander on the beautiful 9 acres of green ground that is part of Ndere Center.

Ndere Center is located on the Ntinda-Kisaasi Road about 12 kms from the city center. Ndere Troupe Orchestra performs every Wednesday and Friday at 7.00 to 9.00 pm and every Sunday at 6.30 to 9.30 pm. Entry to Ndere Center is free, however there is a fee to access the open theatre where Ndere Troupe Orchestra performs. Entry fee can always be paid on arrival at Ndere Center.

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