Sunday, December 5, 2010

How to be an environmentally conscious traveller

By Timothy Ijala

Nowadays it is not uncommon to hear an expression like carbon footprint. Though this may sound intimidating, this simply means the amount of carbon dioxide each individual is responsible for contributing to the environment. In an age when saving the environment is a number one agenda worldwide it is good to think about how each of us can contribute to saving the environment. For example when travelling it is possible to be unknowingly responsible for environmental degradation. Below are some ways to be an environmentally conscious traveller.
Use public transport as much as possible. Fossil-fuel-burning vehicle engines are responsible for a lot of the carbon dioxide in the environment. Therefore, the fewer the vehicles on the road the less carbon dioxide is produced. So if possible instead of driving your personal car when going to visit friends or going on holiday, use public transport. It is true that some countries may have a problem with convenient public transport, but when you travel abroad, especially in the western world you do find efficient public transport systems like trains or buses. Therefore, instead of hiring a car or using a taxi, use public transport. If travelling a short distance, consider walking. In that way your carbon footprint contribution is reduced.
Don’t throw trash carelessly. It is not uncommon as you travel to see people throwing stuff out of vehicles including plastic bottles, plastic bags and unwanted paper. However, when you think about how long these things take to decompose it can be a deterrent to throwing them around carelessly. It is important then that instead of throwing litter around, save it until you get to a place which is designated for trash then deposit all the trash you have. If you have to camp in an area, it helps to clean up before leaving the campsite and dispose off rubbish at designated areas.
Avoid crowding tourist attractions. Crowding may cause imbalance in the eco system of the area and lead to its degradation. Therefore do your research before you travel. If going to a popular tourist destination, do so at a time when not many people are visiting the same area.
Electricity production leads to the release of greenhouse gases, so finding ways to conserve energy while travelling can help reduce your carbon footprint. For example when staying in a hotel in a hot country, the temptation is there to turn up the air conditioning. However air conditioning uses a lot of energy. So it is best to keep it low or use a fan.
Stay in an environmentally friendly hotel. These are hotels that save on water by using low-flow showerheads, low-flow toilets, hotels that employ energy saving measures such as using ceiling fans, energy saving bulbs.
Plant a tree. Trees absorb carbon dioxide, recycling it into much needed oxygen. Some tourist areas have the provision where you can plant a tree when you visit. Definitely do that.

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