Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Why Travel Insurance Is Good For You

By Timothy Ijala
Maybe like me you have watched the movie Cast Away in which the main character’s toothache comes back to disturb him when he is marooned on an island. With no dentist to consult he has to resort to extreme measures to cure his toothache; knock the tooth out. He does so and survives though its not before he has passed out after the not so delicate operation.
You may not have to result to such extreme measures yourself but getting a similar problem when you have traveled abroad may cost you all the money you had planned for the trip including shopping or some other activity, unless of course you have that travel insurance that covers you for such unexpected eventualities. As you are most likely aware, if you have suffered a toothache it is not something that can wait until you get back home.
Having travel insurance can cover you in case of lost checked in baggage as you can be compensated. Without it you may find yourself having to restock your wardrobe from your pocket if the checked in baggage includes all your clothes and other necessities for your stay abroad. And if you were traveling for a meeting lasting several days and don’t have the money to buy a couple of those much needed suits that got lost with your checked in baggage, a nightmare can well describe your situation.
It is therefore better to spend a few dollars and travel with peace of mind knowing that you are covered for medical emergencies, loss of travel documents and luggage, delayed flights than to take the risk of not having travel insurance cover and have a not so pleasant experience to tell back home .

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