Friday, November 27, 2009

Fewer cars for a cleaner enviroment

By Timothy Ijala

One of the major reasons given in Africa for climate change is the destruction of forests. This is a fact that cannot be denied because we know of many areas on the African continent that were once covered with forest but are now semi-arid leading to a shortage of water, crop failure, drying up of rivers and lakes leading to drought and death of humans and animal. A good example of this is Lake Kamnarok in Kenya.
However there is another major reason accounting for climate change which is just as important but has not been addressed with the seriousness that it deserves. The automobile. Many of us love the convenience of the automobile especially those who have a personal car. We can use it to get to work, go shopping, visit friends and even go on holiday. Very few of us can picture our life without a personal car. However there is a downside to the car that can no longer be ignored. Its effects on the environment. Research has shown that motorized transport contributes greatly to noise pollution, environmental pollution and global warming which is the subject of heated debate across the world. Most vehicles depend on the use of petroleum products for fuel which results in the emission of toxic chemicals into the air. Automobiles are now the prime source of atmospheric pollution. They are largely responsible for the smog that covers most of the world’s cities. This pollution can be fatal to infants, the elderly and asthmatics. According to the World Bank, 90% of children in major African towns and 29% of those in Mexico City are now said to be suffering from lead poisoning.
It is an issue that can no longer be ignored. Pollution caused by motorized transport is dangerous to our environment.
Added to that is the issue of traffic jams that is plaguing many cities across the globe. In major cities worldwide it is not uncommon to be stuck in traffic jams for hours on end. Examples can be seen in cities like Seoul and Rio de Janeiro. Or even closer home Nairobi and now even Kampala. It is very frustrating to be stuck in a traffic jam for even as much as an hour after a long day at work or school.
How then can we work towards an environment which is free or at least has less noise pollution, is cleaner and not plagued by congestion on the road?
One way to combat environmental pollution caused by motorized transport is to consider using bio fuels like ethanol which is environmentally friendly and can even contribute to the economic well being of a country. Bio fuels like ethanol are made from starch crops an example of which is sugar cane. Brazil is a good example of a country that is benefiting from the use of ethanol as a biofuel.This will greatly reduce carbon dioxide emissions from vehicles which means a cleaner and safer environment.
Another way is to discourage travel by personal car and encourage the use of public transport like buses. If for every one bus ten cars are off the road that is definitely better for the environment. It will help reduce noise pollution and the emission of carbon dioxide.
Additionally people should be encouraged to use more non-motorized transport like bicycles and walking. These can be done by building walkways that are safe for pedestrians and cycle lane networks.
Lastly if people could travel less then that would certainly ease congestion and pollution to our environment. Instead of travelling to the market or bank if people can be encouraged to purchase groceries online and transact business online then this would mean reduced travel.
These are issues that need to be taken seriously. Motorized transport is a real danger to our environment. We must act now to make our environment safer, cleaner, and friendlier and save the earth for future generations.

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