Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Backpacking Gear List - How To Make A Backpacking Gear List That's Right For You

When making a backpacking gear list, try to break it down into individual sections. I.e. section 1 would be SHELTER and SLEEP, which would include your tent, sleeping bag, kip mat, etc. This way each section can be made personal to you.
Every backpacking trip you take will be different from the previous one and will depend a lot on, where you are going, what type of terrain you will be travelling over, what time of year you will be going, and of course the weather you are likely to expect.
Whatever type of backpacking you intend to do, there will always be certain items of kit that will be standard, and these are the items to concentrate on first. Then you can add or take things out according to your personal needs and preference. Below is a basic starting list.
-Tent.-Sleeping bag.-Bivi bag (for nights under the stars, or if you don't want to put the tent up.)-Kip mat.-Groundsheet.-Spare pegs and guy lines.
-Cooking stove, (with spare fuel and lighter.)-Cooking pots, (with lid that doubles as a plate.)-Frying pan, (non-stick.)-Knife/fork/spoon/can opener, etc.-Food, (personal choice.)-Water, (enough for a days hike + for cooking.
-Strong walking boots or shoes-Light shoe or runners, for around camp.
-2 pairs wool socks (merino wool if possible.)-2 pairs under-pants or cycling shorts.-1 long sleeve tee-shirt-1 pair lightweight trouser or shorts.-1 fleece jacket or sweater-Waterproof jacket and trousers.-Warm fleecy hat and light sun cap.
-Small elasticised bandage for sprains, + small roll of bandage.-Blister kit.-Plasters (assorted sizes) + roll of plaster.-Antiseptic wipes.-Safety pins.-Pain killers.-Any personal medication.
-Soap/ shampoo/flannel/towel, etc.-Shaving gear/lightweight mirror.-Toothbrush/toothpaste.-Toilet paper.-Soap for washing clothes + small line with clothes pegs.
-Hiking pole-Torch (with spare batteries)-Compass/maps.-Whistle.-Binoculars/camera.-Personal items (radio/mp3 player etc)
All theses items should be packed in waterproof bags or containers or inside a waterproof backpack liner. If backpacking with a partner or in a group, you can divide some of the heavier things between you, i.e. one carries the cooking gear while the other carries the food.
Obviously this is only a basic starting point, and will depend on the individual persons needs and wants. But I hope it will be of help to get you started on the right track. Good luck and HAPPY HIKING.
Mike Legg is a seasoned hiker with many years experience of backpacking in Europe. For more information on this or other aspects of backpacking go to
Article Source: http

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