Thursday, May 31, 2007

Why Safari

Ok you might wonder why the title of my blog is Safari? Thats because I like going on safari.Have you ever been on a safari in the Wild?
Ok this is how someone described it...
For some it involves trekking through scrub bush, being at one with nature, getting up close to the animals (hopefully downwind) and the thrill of knowing that at any moment they could come across something wild and distinctly animal. This would probably appeal to outdoorsy adventurous types. Or those who consider themselves outdoorsy adventurous types. Or those who have never been outdoorsy and adventurous in their entire sedentary lives but who now feel the need for an outdoorsy adventurous experience.
What could be more invigorating and empowering than trekking lions and elephants, animals far mightier and more dangerous than us? The adrenaline rush when the guide suddenly beckons you to be quiet, to duck down and to follow her slowly, would be heady enough to rocket you to the sky. You probably wouldn’t even feel your feet move as you tiptoed forward and stopped as your eyes followed her finger to the pride of lions drinking from the muddy pool. The awe you would feel as you watched them drink side by side with some giraffe, too full to show any interest in them having just eaten their fill of spring buck, would probably be indescribable and be burned into your soul forever.
For the very hardcore adventurous types there is safari camping. This involves actually camping in a game park over night, or over several nights. You are not the only one if you think that this sounds a little dangerous. Nor are you the only one if the thought of sleeping in a flimsy tent and sleeping bag while nocturnal predators roam makes you a little uncomfortable. Sleep in such circumstance might in fact be hard to come by. Presumably that all adds to the thrill. Some people actually thrive on it, are totally comfortable with it and can sleep with a rhino taking a leak right next to them. Power to them. Its total environment envelopment, completely letting go of your city life and embracing nature in its rawest form. Again, it appeals to some. It appeals to rather a lot actually.
For the softer, more delicate types, for those who do not like hoofing it through scrub grass and sweating through their khakis, there are alternative options that are no less fulfilling or awe inspiring. Luxury safaris. Now what could be better than that? In touch with nature, up close and personal with large and wild animals and best of all, flushing toilets, 2-ply loo paper and hot water available whenever necessary. It’s like a little piece of heaven.
You get to travel in comfortable rough terrain vehicles. Ok rough terrain vehicles are not exactly the most comfortable in the world but these are as comfortable as you can get them and some are air-conditioned. Now that is cool. You cover more ground so your chance of seeing more animals is increased. You may get out of the vehicle at your guide’s discretion, so you can still get that thrill of sneaking up on some unsuspecting elephants scratching themselves on tree trunks, or a mother rhino suckling her baby, just watch out for daddy, he’s protective and is deceptively fast. Then just as you begin to get uncomfortable in the heat or cold, its back to the bus and off you go again.
If it’s a really good luxury safari, they pack a good lunch and provide something to soothe your parched throat in the form of good wine. If it’s only a good luxury safari they’ll make you wait until you get back to the lodge and/or chalets before cooking up an excellent 3-course meal with before the mentioned wines and maybe some beer for those whose tastes run that way. Meals are usually outdoors so that you can get the most out of your nature experience.
Now let your imagination run riot with a big crackling fire, too many stars to count and so bright that you can almost see by them. Relax with your glass of wine or beer, or soft drink if alcohol is not your style, we like teetotalers too, and listen to the noises that the animals make. They are scary at first, especially when it sounds like they’re coming closer and closer and they could be a little on the hungry side. But the guide explains that they don’t like the fire and so keep their distance (secretly you wonder what happens when the fire goes out and you’re in your bed, but you try to push that out of your mind) and that the noises that they make are just their way of communicating with each other. So you relax a bit more and commune with nature some more, and look forward to your bath that opens out onto a deck with a view across the park and to the chocolates that are on your pillow. This is a safari the luxury way.
Anyway you choose to do it and whatever your preference your safari is your own unique experience. It is treasured within your soul and somehow helps bind you closer to the majestic continent that is Africa.
I have done a few interesting ones, daring I may also add! But I believe the experience has been worth it. Getting lost, getting stuck in the mud, in the middle of animal country! Nearly slept in the bush at the Mara!There is lots I could tell. The experience is inspiring!
Ok the next safari will be to Jinja. To camp! No wild animals its true! But its near enough to the real thing. Speaking of animals,it reminds me of when we went camping at Queen Elizabeth. Then these two elephants came to the campsite in the middle of the night. They were huge! And my heart just sank because am thinking if these two elephants decide to walk over our tents then we are done! Anyway nothing happened thank God. But wait. Then the lions came that night. As in the case of the elephants I was the first to hear them, so I woke Pat up. Then we went out and stirred the fire. ..

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